Step by Step Guide on Google OAuth

What are the steps to complete Google OAuth?

1. Start off by creating a new project in your Google Developer account. This video was created to help you setup your project and configure your OAuth consent screen. 
2. Setup your Proxy URL
3. Add your OAuth credentials to your CloudSponge account. 
4. Don't forget your scopes
5. Record a demo video.
6. Upload your demo video to
7. Verify your domain. 
8. Update your Privacy Policy to include a section describing how your site will utilize the Google API. You can use their copy, “(App’s) use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.” 
9. Submit your project. 
10. Google will email you if anything in your project needs work. Fix the items and reply to their email letting them know to resubmit the project. 

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